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Feedback Navigator: Analyse Kundenfeedback mit KI
Extrahieren Sie wertvolle Erkenntnisse aus Ihrem Kundenfeedback mit Feedback Navigator und KI. Sammeln Sie Daten aus verschiedenen Plattformen, analysieren Sie Sentiments und erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Workflows. Jetzt kostenlos testen!
Feedback Navigator's Übersicht
Feedback Navigator is an AI-powered platform that helps you gather and analyze customer feedback data to extract valuable insights. It offers various features, including pulling in customer feedback from platforms like Trustpilot, Booking.com, and Yelp, uploading a CSV file, or using the API. You can define custom categories to be detected in the feedback and utilize sentiment analysis to extract accurate sentiment. The platform also provides quick overviews of the most common customer requests. With Feedback Navigator, you can set up custom workflows using webhooks and export data for custom analysis or visualization. The pricing options include a free trial with 100 credits, as well as subscription plans ranging from $15 to $899 per month. Feedback Navigator is suitable for property managers, gym owners, product teams, hotel managers, consultants, and restaurant owners to analyze and enhance their customer feedback.
Feedback Navigator's Eigenschaften
Pull in customer feedback from multiple platforms
Define custom categories for feedback detection
Utilize sentiment analysis to extract accurate sentiment
Get quick overviews of common customer requests
Set up custom workflows with webhooks
Export data for custom analysis or visualization
Feedback Navigator's FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN
Feedback Navigator's Preisgestaltung
Free Trial: 100 credits $15/month $25/month $50/month $39 $79 $149 $249 $499 $899
Feedback Navigator's Analytik
Wichtige Leistungskennzahlen für feedbacknavigator.com
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0m 0s
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- 1.Korea, Republic of33.93%
- 2.Philippines21.18%
- 3.Germany18.23%
- 4.China18.06%
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