Sunoify: Создавайте музыку с помощью ИИ


Sunoify - это платформа, которая превращает ваши изображения, идеи и эмоции в персонализированные песни. Используйте искусственный интеллект для создания уникальной музыки.


21 мая 2024 г.

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Sunoify: Создавайте музыку с помощью ИИ

Sunoify's Обзор

Sunoify is an innovative platform that transforms your pictures, text ideas, and emotions into customized songs, giving you a personal composer at your fingertips. Simply upload an image or share your thoughts and emotions. You can even choose a music style (although it's optional - AI can auto-suggest based on content). Sunoify then utilizes cutting-edge AI technology to create a unique song tailored to your preferences. Once the music is generated, you can download it in high quality and enjoy it anytime, anywhere. Sunoify is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with no musical experience required. It can create a wide variety of music genres, including pop, rock, classical, jazz, and more. The platform offers 5 free credits upon sign-up, and a subscription plan is available for bulk tasks or regular requirements. Sunoify accepts various payment methods and uses Lemon Squeezy for secure payment services. Unused credits in a monthly subscription plan will expire. Upgrading, downgrading, or canceling a subscription can be done through the pricing and billing sections. Refunds are not available due to the extensive computational resources required for processing. Sunoify also offers intuitive features, such as transforming everything into music, tailored music creation, flexible and user-friendly interface, unlimited creativity, high-quality downloads, and a vibrant community of music lovers.

Sunoify's Характеристики

  • Transform Everything into Music

  • Tailored Music for You

  • Flexible & User-friendly Interface

  • Unlimited Creativity

  • High-Quality Downloads

  • Vibrant Community


Sunoify's Ценообразование

Sunoify offers various pricing plans and options. Upon sign-up, you'll receive 5 free credits to explore the platform. For occasional tasks or one-time use, there's a pay-as-you-go plan where you can buy credits as needed. If you have bulk tasks or recurring requirements, a monthly subscription plan is available. Unused credits in a monthly subscription plan will expire at the end of the billing cycle. Upgrading or downgrading your plan can be done through the pricing section, and canceling your subscription can be done in the 'Billing & Payments' section. For more information, please refer to the pricing details on the Sunoify website.

Sunoify's Аналитика

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2m 26s

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Sunoify's Альтернативы