- Text
- Text Blaze
Text Blaze - Aumente sua Produtividade com Snippets Dinâmicos
Text Blaze é a extensão de Chrome que maximiza a produtividade, economizando tempo com snippets e modelos dinâmicos em qualquer aplicativo.
Text Blaze's Visão geral
Text Blaze is a powerful Chrome extension designed to enhance productivity by allowing users to save text snippets as templates, which can be quickly inserted using customizable shortcuts. It works seamlessly across various platforms like Gmail, Google Docs, and Salesforce, enabling users to streamline their typing tasks. With features like dynamic templates, forms, and collaboration tools, Text Blaze helps teams maintain consistency in messaging and improve efficiency. Users report saving over 28 hours per month, translating to significant annual savings. The extension is highly rated on the Chrome Web Store, making it a trusted choice for individuals and teams alike.
Text Blaze's Características
Save text snippets as templates
Customizable shortcuts for quick access
Works across multiple platforms
Collaboration and sharing features
Dynamic templates with forms and formulas
Text Blaze's Preços
Text Blaze offers a free version with basic features and a premium plan starting at $2.99 per month for advanced features.
Text Blaze's Analítica
Descrição geral do sítio Web
Principais indicadores de desempenho para blaze.today
Taxa de rejeição
Páginas / Visita
Total de visitas
Tempo no local
2m 59s
Classificação global
Classificação do país
Regiões de topo
Distribuição do tráfego por país
- 1.United States31.70%
- 2.India8.55%
- 3.Brazil4.38%
- 4.Indonesia3.49%
Total de visitantes
Estatísticas mensais de visitantes dos últimos 3 meses
Fontes de tráfego
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