- Animation & 3D Modeling
- Teachable Machine
Teachable Machine - Crie modelos de aprendizado de máquina com facilidade
Teachable Machine é uma ferramenta online que torna a criação de modelos de aprendizado de máquina rápida, fácil e acessível a todos. Classifique imagens, sons e poses com o Teachable Machine.
Teachable Machine's Visão geral
Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that allows users to create machine learning models easily and quickly. It is designed to be accessible to everyone, with the option to use files or capture live examples for training. Users can teach the model to classify images using files or their webcam, classify audio by recording short sound samples, or classify body positions using files or striking poses in their webcam. Teachable Machine respects user privacy and offers the option to use it entirely on-device, without any webcam or microphone data leaving the computer. There are also tutorials available for creating models that recognize specific gestures or behaviors. Additionally, Teachable Machine has been used in various DIY experiments, such as connecting with Arduino or turning a webcam and a piece of paper into a game controller. It is a versatile tool for learning about machine learning and exploring the possibilities of AI.
Teachable Machine's Características
Image Classification
Audio Classification
Pose Classification
Teachable Machine's Preços
Teachable Machine is a free web-based tool.
Teachable Machine's Analítica
Descrição geral do sítio Web
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3m 25s
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- 1.United States17.51%
- 2.Egypt13.27%
- 3.Korea, Republic of5.69%
- 4.India5.33%
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