- Creators Toolkit
- Supastarter
supastarter - SaaS starter kit for Next.js and Nuxt
supastarter is a production-ready SaaS boilerplate for Nuxt 3 and Next.js 14. It includes authentication, billing, internationalization, multi-tenancy, and more.
Supastarter's Visão geral
supastarter is a comprehensive SaaS development platform that provides all the necessary tools and functionality to quickly launch your SaaS business. With supastarter, you can focus on your core business while leveraging the built-in features and customizable components. Key features include authentication with various methods, easy payment integration with Lemonsqueezy and Stripe, multi-tenancy support with team and user management, a super admin panel for user and team management, user impersonation for issue resolution, a seamless onboarding flow, AI integration based on Vercels AI SDK, internationalization support, a beautiful landing page with pricing and newsletter signup, a multi-language MDX-based blog and documentation, placeholder pages for privacy policy and terms of service, analytics integration, a newsletter signup component, customizable UI and dark mode, compatibility with shadcn/ui for fast UI development, integration with storage providers like Supabase and S3, mobile-friendly UI, fully type-safe development environment, custom email templates with react-email, flexible and scalable API layer with trpc, serverless stack for easy management and scalability, support for various databases including Postgres, MySQL, and MongoDB, a CLI for quick project setup, extensive documentation, and access to a dedicated discord community for support and feedback.
Supastarter's Características
Supastarter's Preços
The pricing details for supastarter can be found on their website: [supastarter pricing](https://supastarter.dev/?aff=9PbwA)
Supastarter's Analítica
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Principais indicadores de desempenho para supastarter.dev
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Páginas / Visita
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4m 24s
Classificação global
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Regiões de topo
Distribuição do tráfego por país
- 1.United States18.11%
- 2.Singapore16.36%
- 3.China8.33%
- 4.Brazil7.34%
Total de visitantes
Estatísticas mensais de visitantes dos últimos 3 meses
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