- Chat Bot
- Stackbear Chatbots
Stackbear - Crie chatbots de IA em minutos
Crie chatbots de IA com tecnologia OpenAI, baseados no conteúdo do seu site. Personalize, adicione ao seu site, compartilhe com sua equipe e economize com sua própria chave OpenAI.
Stackbear Chatbots's Visão geral
Stackbear is a platform that allows users to create AI-powered chatbots based on their own content. The chatbots are fully customizable and can be added to websites or shared with teams. Stackbear offers the option to bring your own OpenAI API key to keep costs low. The platform provides various features, including knowledge upload, human escalation, personalization, simple setup, multilingual support, lead capturing, support, marketing, sales, and internal tools integration. Stackbear offers different pricing plans, starting from a free plan with limited features to paid plans with additional benefits such as unlimited messages, higher character limits, message retention, capture leads, view conversation history, human escalation, email integration, and the removal of Stackbear branding. Users can cancel their subscription at any time and utilize the chatbot for customer service, sales support, gathering user data, and other applications.
Stackbear Chatbots's Características
Knowledge upload
Human escalation
Simple setup
Multilingual support
Lead capturing
Internal tools integration
Stackbear Chatbots's PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS
Stackbear Chatbots's Preços
Stackbear offers different pricing plans to suit various needs. The free plan includes 1 bot, unlimited messages, 400K characters per chatbot, and 3-day message retention. The Starter plan is priced at $19 per month and includes 5 bots, unlimited messages, 11M characters per chatbot, 90-day message retention, capture leads, view conversation history, and human escalation. The Business plan is priced at $99 per month and includes 10 bots, unlimited messages, 11M characters per chatbot, unlimited message retention, capture leads, view conversation history, human escalation, email integration, and the removal of Stackbear branding. Pricing is exclusive of taxes, and additional local tax may be collected depending on your region.
Stackbear Chatbots's Analítica
Descrição geral do sítio Web
Principais indicadores de desempenho para stackbear.com
Taxa de rejeição
Páginas / Visita
Total de visitas
Tempo no local
0m 23s
Classificação global
Classificação do país
Regiões de topo
Distribuição do tráfego por país
- 1.Vietnam30.79%
- 2.India17.89%
- 3.Malaysia16.73%
- 4.Brunei Darussalam9.66%
Total de visitantes
Estatísticas mensais de visitantes dos últimos 3 meses
Fontes de tráfego
Distribuição das fontes de tráfego