
Lottielab | Lottie 애니메이션 생성 및 편집 도구


Lottielab으로 Lottie 애니메이션을 쉽고 빠르게 생성하고 앱 및 웹사이트에 배포하세요. 최고의 모션 디자인 도구입니다.

업데이트된 날짜:

2024년 8월 14일

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Lottielab's 개요

Lottielab is a powerful motion design tool tailored for product teams, enabling users to create and edit Lottie animations effortlessly. With features that allow importing assets from popular design tools or starting from scratch, Lottielab simplifies the animation process. It supports 1:1 Lottie integration across platforms, making it easy to share animations for iOS, Android, and web applications. The tool is designed for speed and ease of use, featuring various animation options like easing and linear motion. Accessible on any OS with a browser, Lottielab is the new standard for lightweight, high-quality animations, perfect for enhancing user experiences.

Lottielab's 특징

  • Create and edit Lottie animations

  • Import assets from design tools

  • 1:1 Lottie support across platforms

  • Interactive animation capabilities

  • Browser-based access without downloads

Lottielab's Q&A

Lottielab's 가격 책정

Pricing details are available on the Lottielab pricing page.

Lottielab's 대안