Pirr - Créer des histoires romantiques et épicées avec l'IA


Pirr est une nouvelle façon de créer des histoires romantiques et épicées. Explorez les possibilités infinies, écrivez seul ou avec un partenaire. Téléchargez l'application dès aujourd'hui.

Mise à jour le:

28 avr. 2024

Visiteurs mensuels:

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Pirr's Vue d'ensemble

Pirr is a brand new app that allows users to create personalized and spicy stories with the help of advanced AI. With Pirr, you can explore imaginative narratives on your own or collaborate with others. The app offers character customization, allowing you to choose names, pronouns, and craft unique storylines. You can also shape the narrative atmosphere by creating tags or vibes to tailor the stories to your preferences. To access mature themes, users must activate the NSFW mode in the app's Advanced Settings. Pirr prioritizes privacy and security, ensuring that all stories and data remain private by default. Users have full control over the visibility of their narratives and can choose when to share them publicly. While downloading stories directly from the app is not currently possible, the Pirr team is considering implementing this feature in the future. Users can report problems or offer suggestions through the app's settings or by contacting the support team via Discord or email.

Pirr's Q&R

Pirr's Tarification

Pirr is available for free on both the App Store and Google Play Store.

Pirr's Analyse

Aperçu du site web

Principaux indicateurs de performance pour pirr.me

Taux de rebond


Pages / Visite


Total des visites


Temps passé sur place

2m 14s

Classement mondial


Rang du pays


Principales régions

Répartition du trafic par pays

  • 1.
    United States10.56%
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Total des visiteurs

Statistiques mensuelles des visiteurs pour les 3 derniers mois

Tendance à la baisse by 47.3% ce mois-ci
April - June 2025

Sources de trafic

Répartition des sources de trafic

Source dominante: Direct
39.8% du trafic total

Pirr's Alternatives