
NixBus - Simplifier le développement piloté par les événements avec NixBus


Bus d'événements HTTP sécurisé, robuste et efficace. Facilitez votre architecture de microservices avec NixBus. Commencez dès aujourd'hui avec notre documentation API.

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19 juin 2024

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NixBus's Vue d'ensemble

NixBus is a secure, robust, and efficient event bus over HTTP, designed to simplify event-driven development. It empowers your microservices architecture by providing easy integration, secure communication, scalability, and flexibility. With NixBus, you can decouple your application services and adhere to SOLID principles without the overhead of traditional event bus systems. The in-memory option is available for smaller applications to avoid the complexity of persistent storage. NixBus works seamlessly with your existing infrastructure and ensures end-to-end encryption for data security. Getting started with NixBus is simple and involves installing the NixBus NPM package, running your event bus, publishing events, and running your application. The pricing options include Free, Pro, and Custom tokens, each offering different levels of event access and subscriber support. NixBus allows you to monitor event usage and provides a retry mechanism for failed events. It can be used with any programming language that supports HTTP. The event retention policy varies based on the token type, with Free Token retaining events for 3 days, Pro Token for 7 days, and Custom Token retention being negotiable.

NixBus's Caractéristiques

  • Easy integration with existing infrastructure

  • Secure communication with end-to-end encryption

  • Scalable and flexible for small and complex architectures

NixBus's Q&R

NixBus's Tarification

NixBus offers different token options for event access and subscriber support. The Free token provides standard access to 500 events per day, an event reserve of 50,000 events, event retention for 3 days, up to 5 subscribers, and a token validity of 1 month. The Pro token, priced at 15 €, offers standard access to 2,500 daily events, an event reserve of 500,000 events, event retention for 7 days, up to 15 subscribers, region selection for low latency and faster processing, and a token validity that never expires. For custom requirements and high-demand environments, NixBus offers a Custom token with tailored daily event usage and reserve, direct support from the sales team, and flexibility. Contact NixBus for more information.

NixBus's Analyse

Aperçu du site web

Principaux indicateurs de performance pour

Taux de rebond


Pages / Visite


Total des visites


Temps passé sur place

0m 0s

Classement mondial


Rang du pays


Principales régions

Répartition du trafic par pays

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Total des visiteurs

Statistiques mensuelles des visiteurs pour les 3 derniers mois

Tendance à la baisse by 0.0% ce mois-ci
April - June 2025

Sources de trafic

Répartition des sources de trafic

Source dominante: Referrals
74.6% du trafic total

NixBus's Alternatives