- Plugins & Extensions
- Github Repository Template
Neue Repositories mit Repository-Vorlagen erstellen - GitHub
Erstellen Sie neue Repositories schnell und effizient mit Repository-Vorlagen. Nutzen Sie Vorlagen, um Boilerplate-Code zu teilen und Projekte mit vorgegebenen Tools und Strukturen zu starten.
Github Repository Template's Übersicht
GitHub introduces repository templates to streamline the sharing and distribution of boilerplate code. By marking a repository as a template, users can generate new repositories with all the files and folders from the template repository. A 'Use this template' button appears on template repositories, allowing users to quickly start a new project based on the template. Template repositories also have a '/generate' URL endpoint for efficient distribution. Users can simply name their project and clone the new repository to begin. GitHub plans to expand the capabilities of repository templates for other template types, such as issues and pull requests. Share your templates with the community and provide feedback to make templates even better in the future.
Github Repository Template's Eigenschaften
Share and distribute boilerplate code
Generate new repositories from templates
Efficient distribution with the '/generate' URL endpoint
Github Repository Template's FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN
Github Repository Template's Preisgestaltung
Repository templates are available for free to all GitHub users.
Github Repository Template's Analytik
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