- Plugins & Extensions
- AI Renamer
GitHub - ozgrozer/ai-renamer: Node.js CLI zur intelligenten Dateinamenänderung mit Ollama & LM Studio
Nutze die ai-renamer CLI in Node.js, um mit Ollama und LM Studio Modelle intelligent Dateien nach deren Inhalt umzubenennen.
AI Renamer's Übersicht
ai-renamer is a Node.js CLI tool that uses Ollama and LM Studio models (Llava, Gemma, Llama, etc.) to intelligently rename files based on their contents. It offers the ability to rename videos, images, and files with customizable options. To use ai-renamer, you need to have Ollama or LM Studio, as well as at least one LLM model installed on your system. ffmpeg is also required for renaming videos. The tool supports multiple providers, including Ollama, LM Studio, and OpenAI. You can specify the provider, API key (for OpenAI), base URL, model, case style, maximum characters in the new filename, output language, and more. ai-renamer also provides various case styling options, such as camelCase, pascalCase, snakeCase, kebabCase, and more. Contributions to the project are welcome, and it is licensed under GPL-3.0.
AI Renamer's Eigenschaften
Intelligently rename files based on their contents
Supports renaming videos, images, and files
Customizable options for provider, model, case style, output language, and more
AI Renamer's Preisgestaltung
ai-renamer is an open-source project and is available for free.
AI Renamer's Analytik
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